The Difference Between Redmond Real Salt, Celtic, and Himalayan Salt

Article at a Glance:
- Real Salt, Celtic, and Himalayan are all unrefined sea salt with very similar mineral content.
- Celtic salt comes from evaporated ocean water along the coast of France.
- Himalayan salt comes from any of dozens of salt mines in Pakistan.
- Real Salt is harvested from an ancient underground salt deposit in Utah.
We’re going to do something today most companies don’t like to do: we’re going to say nice things about the competition.
No, that doesn’t mean we’re going to be kind to that bitter, chemically treated white table salt you still find in far too many kitchens, because if you understand the health benefits of Real Salt you already know that Real Salt and table salt aren’t really the same product. But we are going to answer a question we hear a lot when people are considering their salt options: What’s the difference between Redmond Real Salt, and Celtic or Himalayan salt?
(Are you wondering why we’re only talking about Celtic and Himalayan? It’s because we are, first and foremost, salt lovers, and if for some reason Real Salt didn’t exist, Celtic and Himalayan are really the only other salts we’d consider using.)
Here’s a handy chart that will show you some of the differences at a glance.

Real Salt
Real Salt is an all-natural, unrefined sea salt harvested from an ancient ocean. It’s full of natural minerals that make it healthy, delicious, and pink or red looking, and though we do hate to boast, we’re also the best-selling brand in America’s health food stores. Our salt deposit is in Redmond, Utah where our team enjoys award-winning work conditions and generous pay – and since we own and control the whole process you can be sure Real Salt comes to you through our world-class production facilities in its unrefined, mineral-rich, delicious state, exactly as nature intended.
Celtic Sea Salt
Celtic Salt is a great salt harvested from the current ocean in France. They do a terrific job with their salt, harvesting it by hand and leaving it unprocessed so it contains those important trace minerals. Compared to Real Salt, the biggest difference is that the current ocean is exposed to many anthropogenic environmental issues that ancient seas never experienced – things like mercury, lead, plastic, petroleum toxins and other man-made chemicals. It's a very wet salt, which makes for some amazing texture and flavor combinations. We like the idea of salt that comes from an ancient sea, before man-made pollution was prevalent, but Celtic is a great option.
Himalayan Pink
Like Real Salt, the Himalayan brands are harvested from an ancient salt deposit that would have been created long before there were any modern toxins. Geologically, the Himalayan deposit is very similar to Real Salt; they both have the full spectrum of minerals and both can be considered crystal salts. Tasted side by side, Real Salt is a bit sweeter, while Himalayan tends toward an earthy flavor.
The big difference between Real Salt and Himalayan is geography. Real Salt comes from the USA (Redmond, Utah), and the Himalayan deposits are in and around Khewra, Pakistan. There are a number of different mines supplying the Himalayan brands, and some have more modern standards than others. Himalayan salt has to travel more than 7,000 miles just to make it to America, with all the environmental impacts that come with that. Real Salt not only has to travel a shorter distance, but our operations in Redmond are powered by our two large solar fields, reducing our environmental impact even more.
Generally, Real Salt is half the cost (we’re so glad we don’t have to ship it from Pakistan!) and we know you can always trust the quality, processes, and labor policies that bring Real Salt to your kitchen.
Salt Source Map
Use this map to get an idea where three of the top unrefined sea salts come from.

Still not sure which salt is right for you? If you’re closer to Pakistan than you are to Utah, we think a Himalayan salt could be your best choice. And you can always take the Real Salt taste test: First try Real Salt, then try whatever salt you used to use. The difference will amaze you!
Comments (138)

My question is about the red debris/dirt like particles that don’t dissolve when I put the salt in hot water. I remember cooking with it and it’s like the salt dissolves but there’s a red/brown dirt like substance left at the bottom that doesn’t dissolve and I’d like to know if it’s part of the salt or just dirt of some sort? I’d like to switch to this salt because I’ve been using Celtic salt but recently learned their lead levels tested for up to 500 while redmonds salt apparently has only gone up to 200ppb. But the debris that doesn’t dissolve made me stop using it . Can you confirm what this is and if it’s part of the salt or if it’s dirt of some sort? Thank you
Redmond Life replied:
Thanks for your question! Most of us grew up with processed table salt in the kitchen, but nature doesn’t make pure white salt. Unrefined sea salt, like Real Salt, is mostly sodium chloride, along with more than 60 naturally occurring trace minerals that give it more color and help Real Salt bring the most flavor out of your food.
One of these trace minerals (about 1 grain out of every 800) is silica, which is not always water-soluble. When you use Real Salt you might see it settle at the bottom of a glass or your pasta water. Some people notice it more than others, and some of the people who notice it don’t care much for it. We could process Real Salt to remove the silica, of course, but these natural minerals are exactly the reason so many people won’t use anything but Real Salt.
For more information on the silica in Real Salt check out this blog on the topic

I really appreciate the honesty in the comparison of the different salts and I agree that sea salt has issues due to recent contaminantes such as heavy metals and plastics. Do have any a certificate of proof on your salt for the same thing-no heavy metals and plastics? As we know that stuff is everywhere in our current environment and it can be seeping into the ground. I would love to hear back from you! Thank you!
Redmond Life replied:
Hi Alex, thank you for your question. You can see a full mineral analysis of Real Salt here:

I have used real salt before but recently I was thinking and became a little concerned, that being from Utah is your source and processing plant, etc. anywhere near where there was contamination from nuclear testing done?
Redmond Life replied:
Hi Baba, thanks for your question. We’ve tested Real Salt and have found no evidence of external radiation. For a deep dive into the 1950 Nevada nuclear tests and why they didn’t impact our Real Salt, check out this article on our website:

Does Redmond Salt come in crystal chunks also? …
Redmond Life replied:
Hi Frieddie, Yes! We sell Ancient Sea Salt Crystals, which are small salt rocks for sole water and other uses, on our Redmond Life website. We also sell large salt rocks for animals and hunting on our website.