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Three black tubs of Re-Lyte Kids Hydration Electrolyte Powder in Pink Lemonade, Pineapple, and Grape flavors.
Black plastic jar of Re-Lyte Kids Grape dietary supplement.
Black plastic bottle of Real Salt brand electrolyte supplement displaying the nutrition facts label.
Black plastic jar of Redmond Re-Lyte Kids Electrolyte Mix showing nutritional information and mixing instructions.
Hand holds a black jar of Re-Lyte Kids Grape dietary supplement on a white countertop.
Black jar of Re-Lyte Kids pineapple flavored electrolyte dietary supplement.
Black jar of Kids Re-lyte hydration, pineapple flavor, Electrolyte powder supplement showing the nutrition facts label.
Rear viewr of our Kids Re-Lyte hydration, pineapple flavor, electrolyte powder shows nutritional information and mixing instructions on the back label.
Hand holds a black jar of Re-Lyte Kids Pineapple dietary supplement.
Hand holds a jar of Re-Lyte Kids Pink Lemonade dietary supplement.
A front view of our re-lyte kids hydration, pink lemonade flavor, electrolyte powder on a white background
Black plastic jar showcasing the Supplement Facts label of kids Re-lyte hydration Electrolyte powder, pink lemonade flavor
Black plastic jar of kids Re-Lyte  hydration, pink lemonade flavor, electrolyte powder showing the ingredients and mixing instructions.
Three tubs of Re-Lyte Kids electrolyte powder in grape, pink lemonade, and pineapple flavors sit on a blue pickleball court with a pickleball and paddle in the foreground and a child playing pickleball in the background.

Re-Lyte Kids Hydration

Electrolyte Drink Mix for Kids

Keep your kiddos happy and hydrated with this balanced blend of essential electrolytes. With yummy flavors, fun colors sourced from fruits and veggies, a light sweetness from stevia, and no added sugar, Re-Lyte Kids is the perfect clean hydration drink for kids, teens, and even kids at heart!

  • Pediatrician-Approved
  • No Added Sugar
  • No Artificial Dyes
  • Made with Real Salt

Click here to download our free Re-Lyte Kids Coloring Book and explore healthy hydration with Milo, the Redmond Dino! 

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Tell Me More

A delicious blend of micronutrients to hydrate your cells and keep your muscles working their best. Redmond Re-Lyte® means clean, effective electrolyte replacement.

Yes! We formulated Re-Lyte Kids to provide a clean, tasty way for kids to stay hydrated daily. Re-Lyte Kids is a great way to help them feel their best.

Our Re-Lyte Kids formula is specially designed for kids. Its lighter and more diluted formula makes it easier for children to enjoy throughout the day.

The flavoring in Re-Lyte Kids comes from real, organic fruit: grape, pineapple, strawberry, lemon, and lime. Some flavoring also comes from organic natural flavors.

Clean fruit and veggie extracts give each Re-Lyte Kids flavor a unique, vibrant color without artificial dyes.

We partnered with pediatricians to develop Re-Lyte Kids with the specific hydration needs of little ones in mind. Each serving has a little less than half of the electrolytes you'd find in a serving of Re-Lyte Hydration.

We've heard from many parents who give Re-Lyte Hydration to their children in smaller servings or a diluted form. We encourage parents to consult a healthcare professional to determine the right amount of electrolytes for their child's unique needs.

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Why Should You Drink Electrolytes?

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Can Kids Drink Re-Lyte Hydration?

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Meet Re-Lyte Kids: Hydration That Kids Love and Parents Trust

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