How Bentonite Clay Helps Your Pores

Article at a Glance:
- Using bentonite clay on your skin is a simple, effective way to improve the appearance of your pores.
- Bentonite clay has a negative electrical charge that can draw positively charged impurities like bacteria from your pores.
- Bentonite clay’s proven ability to soak up sebum and provide gentle exfoliation helps your pores as well.
- Although it isn’t possible to shrink pores, cleaning pores out can make them look smaller.
In the quest for perfect skin, it’s easy to become fixated on a small (or sometimes not so small) issue—your pores.
If you’re obsessed with these speckles on your face, you’re not alone. People everywhere are preoccupied with pores. That’s why every beauty product nowadays promises pore-clearing or pore-minimizing benefits.
The question is, what actually brings you closer to pore perfection? And how can you get better pores without (bad pun alert!) ending up in the poor house from spending too much on dermatologist visits, facials, and expensive beauty products?
The answer is bentonite clay! You may have guessed as much since we sell bentonite clay and you’re reading our blog. But bentonite clay bias aside, this simple and inexpensive beauty treatment really does have the power to purify pores. Here’s why…
Pores become clogged with sebum, bacteria, and dead skin cells. But bentonite clay has a negative electrical charge that can draw out positively charged impurities like bacteria. It also has a proven ability to soak up sebum, and less sebum means less clogged pores. Plus, it’s a mild exfoliator, which means it clears away dead skin cells and keeps your pores clearer.
So, bentonite clay takes care of your clogged-pore problem. But what about enlarged pores?
Well, despite what major beauty brands imply in their commercials, dermatologists say you can’t technically shrink your pores. Your pore size is determined mostly by your genes. So, you can thank your parents if it feels like your pores are big enough to see from the Hubble telescope.
But here’s the good news…

When there’s stuff clogging your pores, they stretch out and look bigger. So, if you clean out your pores, they’ll go back to their original, smaller size, which means you’ll be one step closer to that poreless, air-brushed look usually reserved for models on magazines. And that’s all any of us pore-obsessed peeps really want, am I right?
To put it simply (and in a rhyme), a clay mask a day keeps pore problems away. Try it out and see bentonite clay’s pore-purifying power for yourself (if you do, you’ll also experience these other skin benefits).
If you’re the DIY type, check out our ready-to-mix clay powder (and this advice on how to make the best clay mask for your skin type). If you want your pore-purifying ritual to be as quick and easy as possible, take a peek at our pre-mixed facial mud, which also contains skin-soothing colloidal silver.

- Adult Acne: Why It Happens and How To Treat It— HuffPost.
- Sustainable rates of sebum secretion in acne patients and matched normal control subjects— Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.
- Calcium Bentonite Clay: Nature’s Pathway to Healing Balance, Detox, Stimulate, Alkalize— Perry A.
- EEMCO guidance for the in vivo assessment of skin greasiness. The EEMCO Group— Skin Pharmacology and Applied Skin Physiology.
- 9 Reasons You Should Add Bentonite Clay to Your Beauty Routine— The Healthy.
- Can You Shrink Your Pores?— Real Simple.
Comments (1)

I purchased the 10 Oz ready to mix clay on a recommendation that it would be good as a foot soak on my days off from my chemo & radiation sessions.
I see nothing that addresses the water to clay radio and how to do this soak. Can you help me Jenny?
Redmond Life replied:
Hi Sue! There are a lot of different recipes for foot soaks using clay. Here’s a good place to start: Mix 1/2 cup of Redmond Clay into one cup of water and mix into a creamy paste. Add this paste to a foot basin of warm water and stir to distribute. Soak your feet for 20-30 minutes, then rinse and pat dry. Hope this helps!