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A Health and Mindset Coach’s Tips for Meditating Your Way to More Energy

By Jenny Smiechowski


A Health and Mindset Coach’s Tips for Meditating Your Way to More Energy

Article at a Glance:

  • Health and Mindset Coach Tara Garrison rediscovered her inner power and life purpose through a daily mediation practice, and now she teaches her clients to do the same.
  • She’s seen first-hand how many benefits her clients experience from meditating daily, especially when it comes to their energy level.
  • Meditation is proven to improve sleep quality, balance cortisol levels, and release endorphins, all of which can help you feel more energetic.
  • When starting an energizing meditation practice, begin with guided meditation, keep your meditations short, mix in some gratitude, and create a sacred meditation space.

In 2018, Tara Garrison hit rock bottom. She’d gotten divorced two years earlier and ended up in a new relationship with a man who took her for everything she had.

 “I had to ask my ex-husband to take my kids for a while. I had to live with a friend. I had nothing. And it was really humbling,” Garrison said, reflecting on that difficult time in her life.

Luckily, the friend Garrison was staying with led her down a path of personal development and self-discovery that helped her turn her life around completely.

Garrison’s friend introduced her to the law of attraction, which inspired her to start reading and listening to everything she could by some of the greatest personal growth thinkers and teachers.

She noticed something immediately. Almost all of these teachers meditated. So Garrison decided to start her own morning meditation practice, combined with a gratitude practice. And the results were astounding.

Garrison quickly went from being broke financially to making over $10,000 a month as a health and mindset coach. But even more importantly, she rediscovered her inner power and life purpose.

“From then on, the soul healing and the sense of purpose that I felt in life was just astronomical,” Garrison said.

The Energizing Power of Meditation

Since improving her own life through meditation and mindset work in 2018, Garrison has helped a lot of other people reap the benefits of these practices through her role as a health and mindset coach. She’s seen her clients become happier, more confident, and more relaxed from a regular meditation practice.

But one highly practical (and somewhat surprising) benefit she’s witnessed in herself and others is more energy.

“Being able to just be in silence and not have to fill the gaps allows me to recover between mental tasks, so I'm not exhausted all the time,” Garrison said.

Garrison’s clients tend to be very driven people who use pressure as a motivator. As a result, they also tend to be highly stressed and burned out. In fact, they’re often exhausting themselves to the point that they have hypothyroidism, adrenal issues, gut issues, and other symptoms of chronic stress on the body.

When she helps them develop a morning routine that includes meditation (and make other important life changes), she sees a remarkable change in their ability to cope with stress and their overall vibrance.

“Honestly, if you combine meditation with eating well and exercising over time, you're going to be living at a completely different energy level than you did before,” said Garrison.

Why is Meditating Energizing?

When most people think of meditation they primarily think about its relaxation, stress-relieving, and sleep-related benefits. So how exactly could it be energizing too?

Well, believe it or not, meditation’s relaxation, stress-relieving, and sleep-related benefits are exactly why it is energizing.

Research shows that meditation can improve overall sleep quality. And if you’re sleeping better, you’re obviously going to feel more energized in your day-to-day.

By relieving stress, meditation also has a positive impact on your hormones. When you’re stressed, your body releases a hormone called cortisol. Chronic stress can cause you to release too much cortisol too often. And eventually, your cortisol levels can become depleted. Research has linked cortisol depletion to a higher likelihood of feeling fatigued and even tied it to conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome.

 A 2011 study also found that meditation triggers the relief of endorphins. These feel-good hormones can decrease feelings of discomfort, increase feelings of well-being, and make you feel motivated and energized.

How to Start an Energizing Meditation Practice

If you’re ready to start your own meditation practice, Garrison has a few tips that she always shares with her coaching clients.

  1. Start with guided meditation

    If you’re used to having your brain occupied all the time, jumping headfirst into a silent meditation practice can be a little overwhelming. Garrison recommends doing guided meditations for at least a week or so on apps like Headspace or Insight Timer.

    When you feel ready, you can move on to silent meditations where you just sit and observe your own breath or thoughts without a meditation teacher keeping you on track (or if you prefer to stick with guided meditations for the long haul, that’s fine too).

  2. Keep it short

    Your meditations don’t need to be long…. especially initially. Garrison tells her clients to start with 10 minutes of meditation per day because that’s what they’ll actually stick to. Eventually, many of them go on to adopt longer meditation practices. But in the beginning, it’s important not to be so ambitious with your practice that you sabotage your odds of making it happen daily.

  3. Include gratitude

    Garrison’s obviously a big believer in the power of meditation. But she thinks it’s even more powerful when combined with a gratitude practice. Garrison made big shifts in her own life by combining these two practices, and she always recommends both practices to her clients.

    Just like meditation, gratitude has a lot of proven benefits. Research shows that gratitude essentially acts as an antidepressant. It causes the brain to release neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin that can improve your mood and make you feel more motivated.

    After your 10-minute meditation, Garrison recommends identifying three things you’re grateful for and observing how those things make you feel. This allows you to tap into the power of positive thought and emotion.

  4. Make a sacred space for meditation

    Wherever you choose to practice your daily mediation, make it a space where you love spending time. Decorate it with beautiful crystals, fill it with comfortable pillows, or put up awe-inspiring pictures of nature. Do whatever makes the space feel scared and enjoyable to you, so you look forward to being there.

    Garrison also likes to have her coffee brewing while she’s meditating, because it creates a reward cycle. After she’s done, she gets to have her coffee as she moves into the gratitude portion of her morning routine. By building enjoyable rituals like this around your practice, you make it a part of your day you look forward to and increase your odds of making it a permanent and fulfilling part of your daily routine.

Looking for another safe and effective way to support healthy energy levels in addition to a daily meditation practice? Take a peek at our simple, clean, and real energy drink mix Re-Lyte Energy and see if it’s right for you.


The associations between basal salivary cortisol and illness symptomatology in chronic fatigue syndrome— Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research.

Release of Endomorphin Hormone and Its Effects on Our Body and Moods: A Review— Psychology.

Why endorphins (and exercise) make you happy— CNN.

The Neuroscience of Gratitude— HuffPost.

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